意大利有不少馳名菜式,其中較常見的燴牛膝,正是米蘭的傳統佳餚之一。 |
1. 牛膝用清水徹底洗淨,減少血腥味。瀝乾後備用。
Rinse in water to wash the veal shank and drain.
2. 用乾布吸乾牛膝水分,避免煎時出水。
Before frying use cloth to dry the veal shank.
3. 牛膝用鹽及胡椒調味後蘸麵粉,用橄欖油煎至表面金黃。
Veal shank coat with flour after seasoned by salt and pepper. Pan fried until golden brown with olive oil.
4. 洋葱、紅蘿蔔、西芹及蒜頭粒炒至金黃,加番茄蓉同炒。
Saute the onion, carrot, celery and garlic until golden brown, then add the tomato paste.
5. 將煎過的牛膝放入鍋中,煎約1分鐘。
Place pan fired veal shank in the pan, and heat for 1 minute.
6. 鍋中加入灼熟的百里香、迷迭香和月桂葉。
Add the thyme rosemary and bayleaf in the pan.
7. 再將紅酒和水加入鍋中煨煮。
Pour red wine and water into the pan for simmering.
8. 用錫紙蓋好鍋面,放入焗爐內,以220度焗約兩小時。
Cover the pan with aluminium foil and put it in the oven, bake at 220℃for 2 hours.
9. 將意大利飯煮至軟身,加入白酒和忌廉煮一至兩分鐘。
Cook the risotto until soft, add white wine and cream cook 1 to 2 minutes.
10. 最後將焗好的牛膝放於意大利飯上,趁熱上桌。
Put the veal shank on the risotto and add the sauce. Serve hot.
Veal shank coat with plain flour to keep the meat firm.